Liana Rose Tutt

Discover my work, projects, and skills.

About Me

Liana Rose Tutt

Hi there! I am a soon-to-be graduate from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (May 2025) with a B.S. in Computer Science and a Minor in Artificial Intelligence. I am passionate about diving into the world of ML/AI and using the skills I've developed to make a positive impact. Starting internships from my freshman year, I've had the opportunity to gain professional experience while pursuing my passions. Beyond academics, I am a horseback riding regional champion and enjoy traveling, volunteering, and sharing my love for programming with elementary school children. Through my volunteering and internship experience, I have learned patience, perseverance, and leadership, which drive my passion for success. I am excited to start my journey into the field that I love.


My journey in the academic & professional world so far

BS in Computer Science with Minor in Artificial Intelligence

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, GPA 3.4
2021 - 2025

Senior Year

Deep Learning, Data Mining, Combinatorics, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Operating Systems, Programming Language Concepts, Computer Architecture, Senior Capstone Project
2024 - 2025

Junior Year

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Advanced Database Systems, Applied Linear Regression, Web Programming, Software Requirements Engineering
2023 - 2024

Sophomore Year

Image Recognition, Database Systems, Intro to Statistics, Software Design, Intro to C Programming
2022 - 2023

Freshman Year

Bio-Inspired AI, Intro to ML, Intro to Probablity w/ Applications to Statistics, Proofs, Chemistry, Japanese
2021 - 2022

Dual Enrollment with High School

Monroe Community College, GPA 4.0
2018 - 2020

Teaching Asssistant for Advanced AI/ML Electives

Advanced Databases, Image Recognition, Machine Learning at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Sep 2024 - Present

Machine Learning Engineer Intern

DEKA Research and Development
June 2024 - August 2024

Perception Algorithm Research Intern

DEKA Research and Development & Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Oct 2023 - June 2024

Computer Vision and Software Engineering Intern

Heliponix LLC
Dec 2021 - Dec 2022


Short description of the project.

View on GitHub

Short description of the project.

View on GitHub


Programming Languages

Python Advanced

R Advanced

JavaScript Intermediate

C Intermediate

C++ Beginner

Java Intermediate

SQL Advanced

MATLAB Intermediate

Libraries and Packages

PyTorch Advanced

Pandas Advanced

R Shiny Intermediate

Scikit-Learn Intermediate

NumPy Intermediate

Matplotlib Intermediate

TensorFlow Beginner

Tools & Technologies

Git Advanced

Determined Intermediate

Anaconda Intermediate

Jupyter Intermediate

Linux Intermediate

ImageJ Beginner

Apache Kafka Beginner

ROS Intermediate


Snowflake Intermediate

SSMS Advanced

Redis Intermediate

MongoDB Intermediate

Neo4j Intermediate

RethinkDB Intermediate



Teaching Disabled Children to Ride Horses

Volunteered at a local stable, helping disabled children gain confidence and joy through horseback riding. This experience was incredibly rewarding and taught me patience and leadership.

Image courtesy of Heritage Christian Stables.

Teaching Elementary School Kids Programming

Conducted weekly coding workshops for elementary school students (grades 3-5), introducing them to programming basics in Scratch. This course at Rose-Hulman aimed to inspire young minds to explore technology and develop problem-solving skills early on.

Image courtesy of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
